We're off (tomorrow) to see Jonathan for the Labor Day weekend. Can't wait. He and I are going to look at bikes for him, we're planning on camping and no doubt doing some geocaching! You never know what this group will do.
Jonathan has started back to school, MSU, but hopefully he can find some time for us!
I just wish Stephen could be with us. He did finally arrive in his permanent station in Afghanistan a couple days ago. He's pretty stoked. The conditions are much better where he stopped than some of the horror stories he had heard and relayed to us. I'm just glad he's in a hard shelter instead of a tent!
I wish Hannah and Nora were on the mainland instead of way across the Pacific in HI ! Yes there are much worse places they could be (Tennessee, Iowa, Illinois.....) but at least in most of them we could drive to see them.
Gotta go pack and get camping gear, etc ready. Haven't decided if I'm taking a bike or not. Probably will.