GREAT bike ride while visiting friends in the Phoenix area. 9.4 butt-kicking miles in the HOT morning sun at the Estrella Mountain Regional Park Competitive Trail. I thought I left early enough but by 8:00 the temp was over 85 degrees. Only problem, I tried to leave very quietly to let everyone else continue to sleep so I forgot one essential item, WATER!!! I left both my water bottles in the refrigerator. Luckily Jodi had left a little water in a bottle in the car, warm water is better than no water. Then about 3 miles from the end I met another rider who had moved to the Phoenix area from northern CA. He had become accustomed to riding in such a dry, windy climate so when he saw I was basically out of water he gave me about 4 ounces of his.
The ride started on wide gravel that was easily ridable by any skill level. In fact, I began to think the ride might be a little boring. It become more interesting fairly quickly then as I got near the upper elevations and the crux of the trail it changed more drastically. One map I saw claimed this whole trail is ridable by any skill level, I will agree if you qualify
that with someone truly rides serious off-road mountain bike trails. I know, and have ridden with a lot of people who "mountain bike" that have no business what so ever on this trail. It's a lot of fun for serious riders like
myself but if you're a recreational/casual rider this trail will hurt you ... badly.
I thought the extremely low elevation compared to Albuquerque would really help
me, and probably would have
, but that was over-
shadowed by the heat and the lac
k of water. So I will have to try it again in a cooler season.
The whole trip to AZ was great. Not terrible traffic,
except on Friday evening on the way down I was juxtaposed to some of the most annoying fast lane drivers who, literally, no matter what would not move to the slow lane. Had a very good time with Carol and Stephen, as always. Tried a new restaurant right after we got there, Filibertos Mexican Food. We have one in ABQ but we had not tried it yet. The burrito was amazing!! The temp was 100 degrees as we pulled into town. When we got to their house sitting on the deck at 9:00 it was still 90 degrees.
Saturday after the ride I refueled with some breakfast then we chilled for a while then headed to the pool at the community club in Carol's complex. Beautiful facilities. Nice, very quiet gym with good equipment so I decided to add an upper body workout to the lower body workout of the earlier bike ride. Then to the pool, then the hot tub. I could get used to that life!!! I stayed in the sun just long enough to feel it later. I know what they say about laying in the sun but ..... Im' going to be out in it so why not get some color so I don't burn so easily.
Steaks on the grill Saturday night with Greek salad, etc. Great meal with great people. Sunday Stephen did not have to work but he agreed to go to where he worked. He was giving us the grand tour of the Phoenix Zoo. We started off by feeding stingrays. HOW COOL!!! Then to see all the lovely fauna and the exhibits. The savanna exhibit that you can overlook while eating lunch or on a stop on the zoo train. Of course Jodi and I spent a bit of extra time at the reptile area looking at rattlesnakes. And we also took our time with the apes, being close relatives of ours .... er, MINE I mean.
Monday the drive home was amazing. We cut a northwest path out of Phoenix instead of heading straight north on the interstate (I-17). We headed to Payson. Neither of us had any idea that saguaro cacti grew so prolifically that they are the dominant species as you drive through the low lands and the rolling hills. Then as we climbed the vegetation changed and became more green and thick and slowly the temp started coming down. In fact, beyond Payson at the Mogollon Rim section of the Coconino Nat'l Forest Jodi almost put on a sweatshirt it was so cool. This whole section is begging me to head back that way with 2 wheels AND 2 hiking boots. We found another great restaurant there the Red Onion Grill. GREAT grilled chicken sandwich. The rest of the trip was very uneventful but lovely.