Well, spring winds have hit ABQ in January. Sucks!! But won't last long. And yesterday was a great day. Almost 60, some clouds but not total and not all day.
Jodi and I had a great walk along the Bosque after visiting the Rio Grande Nature Center. Had been far too long since we had been there. Saw a lot of birds on the ponds. The usual for anywhere, mallards, crows, American coots and Canadian geese but also saw lots of northern shovelers, wood ducks, green winged teals and even a few gadwalls. Gadwalls are lovely, lovely birds but not one I had seen many times. This was the best view of them I had ever had.
Then on the walk we heard but didn't see sandhill cranes flying overhead, several northern flickers and a few spotted towhees. Much fun. I love to listen to towhees almost as much as look at them. You know they're in the area when you see a robin-sized bird on the ground enthusiastically scratching in the leaves. Then just a glimpse of the rust color and spots.
The Rio Grande right in ABQ may not be quite so impressive as many rivers I've seen but it is always fun to walk down near the water. Here we did see a few sandhills on a muddy sandbar about 30 meters or so from the bank. Tracks on the banks and felled trees with large tooth marks near the water remind you that though not letting you see them now this area is inhabited by raccoon, beaver and not far north on the trail I've seen a couple porcupines on other walks.
Nature in the city. Another part of what makes us love ABQ so much!! That and 60 degrees in January.
Jodi and I had a great walk along the Bosque after visiting the Rio Grande Nature Center. Had been far too long since we had been there. Saw a lot of birds on the ponds. The usual for anywhere, mallards, crows, American coots and Canadian geese but also saw lots of northern shovelers, wood ducks, green winged teals and even a few gadwalls. Gadwalls are lovely, lovely birds but not one I had seen many times. This was the best view of them I had ever had.
Then on the walk we heard but didn't see sandhill cranes flying overhead, several northern flickers and a few spotted towhees. Much fun. I love to listen to towhees almost as much as look at them. You know they're in the area when you see a robin-sized bird on the ground enthusiastically scratching in the leaves. Then just a glimpse of the rust color and spots.
The Rio Grande right in ABQ may not be quite so impressive as many rivers I've seen but it is always fun to walk down near the water. Here we did see a few sandhills on a muddy sandbar about 30 meters or so from the bank. Tracks on the banks and felled trees with large tooth marks near the water remind you that though not letting you see them now this area is inhabited by raccoon, beaver and not far north on the trail I've seen a couple porcupines on other walks.
Nature in the city. Another part of what makes us love ABQ so much!! That and 60 degrees in January.