Monday, February 25, 2013

Back to the Foothills and loving it

Yeah, it was warmer in Tucson and I LOVED the trail we ran there but I will never complain about getting to run in the Foothills of the Sandias in Albuquerque. Saturday was beautifully sunny and not that windy so the chill disappeared quickly once I started running. I started at the Copper trailhead and took off to the south. I LOVE running down to I-40 and back from Copper. 4 milesish I would guess though I left the electronics at home just to have a fun undistracted run. What fun. WHY OH WHY does anyone run on asphalt when these trails are here? I felt like it was a pretty fast run and some of the hill climbs seemed stronger.


  1. Coming from El Paso, I love to train anywhere in the Desert Southwest - there's just nothing like it! Sounds like you had a fun run!

    1. For some reason I never received notification of your comment and just saw it. I apologize, I try to always reply to anyone who takes their time to read and comment. As you can see I also do not update this near often enough.

      I do love running in the southwest. In fact I returned to the Foothills this morning. 6,500' kicked my butt today after spending the last 10 days at 50' in HI. I did get in some good runs there at least.

      I read on your blog that you took some time off. Good for you. I am sure the training schedule you must keep for the level at which you compete would have to take a serious toll on your mind as well as your body.

      I look forward to seeing how your return goes. Don't push it too hard though.
